BES Buffalo Express

BES School Supply Kits for next year 2021-2022, are on sale online now through 4/30/2021! Hop online and order yours now!

BES Buffalo Express 4/3/2021

BES PTO Meal Night is coming up! Mark your calendars!

Eileen's Cookie dough orders can be picked up tomorrow at the school from 10am-6pm. Just pull through the parent pick up lane and PTO volunteers will help!
Thank you!

On Friday, March 26th the library will send email notifications of library books currently overdue for return. Please help us by returning books that are overdue. If you have any questions, contact the BES Library by email or phone! Thank you for helping us collect our overdue books!
Email: bakerj@usd450.net or jennifer.haverkamp@usd450.net
Phone: 785-730-5275

Do you have a child eligible for Kindergarten at BES? If so, and you haven't done so already, please email Mrs. Tanya at howbertt@usd450.net to register your child promptly. She will need the following information emailed to her: Child's name, date of birth, physical address (mailing address too if different than physical address), both parents names and cell numbers.
To attend Kindergarten your child must be 5 years of age on or before August 31st.

Buffalo Express 3/19/2021

Berryton Families,
Tomorrow our staff will receive their second vaccine for Covid-19, and we are excited to get this completed. Due to the large number of classroom teachers impacted we will not have morning meetings. Staff will be available via email and will assess Seesaw and Canvas assignments for attendance purposes.
We will have school as normal on Thursday and Friday of this week, and we have supports in place for possible absences related to vaccine side effects.
Thank you for your support,
Kyrstin Bervert

PTO Meal Night TONIGHT 3/15/2021, 4pm-8pm Senor Burritos & Poppin' Minis!

Berryton Families:
We regret to inform you that Poppin' Minis will NOT be in attendance at the PTO Meal Night at Senor Burritos tonight as originally scheduled.
Meal Night at Senor Burrito's is still happening 4:00-8:00pm TONIGHT.

Attn 6th Grade Parents: SHMS PTO is looking to fill a few vacancies on their board. Please see attached for details.

REMINDER: BES March 2021 Scrip Packet: Orders and money are due TOMORROW, Tuesday March 16th. Cards will be back on March. 19th.

Berryton Families:
Please make sure you remember to send your child's cookie dough order form and money to school TOMORROW, Tuesday March 16th. All order forms and money have to be in the office no later than 4:00pm on Tuesday March 16th.
PTO will let you know who the 1st place class is that will win the pizza party, 2nd place class that will win the ice cream sandwich party and the 3rd place class that will win the sucker party by Friday March 19th.
Great job Berryton Buffalos.
Thank you!

BES Families:
We are thrilled to have ALL students (Grades PreK through 6th) back in the building for 4 days a week beginning TOMORROW, Monday, March 15th. Please be patient with us as we work to safely and expediently unload all vehicles and buses in the morning and safely dismiss students in the afternoon.

BES Families: Please don't forget to keep selling your cookie dough until Monday March 15th. All cookie dough order forms and money need to be turned into the office by Tuesday March 16th by 4pm.
Don't forget that the class that sells the most cookie dough will get a pizza party 🍕. The class that sells the 2nd most cookie dough gets an ice cream sandwich party and the class that sells the 3rd most cookie dough will get a sucker party.
Happy cookie dough selling. 🍪🙂

BES Cookie Dough Fundraiser: Attention all students!!! There will be a pizza party for the class that sells the most cookie dough. The 2nd place class will get an ice cream sandwich party and the 3rd place class will get a sucker party.
All cookie dough order forms and money need to be turned into the office by 4:00pm on March 16th. Please make all checks out to Berryton PTO. The cookie dough will be available to be picked up on March 31st from 10am to 6pm.
Thank you and happy cookie dough selling.

BES Buffalo Express

BES Buffalo Express

If you have not already done so, please complete our survey:
BES Spring 2021 Parent-Teacher Conference Feedback
Berryton Families,
Please use this link to provide feedback on your parent-teacher conference experience.