BES Bus # 61-3 Renyer is running late today. We appreciate your patience. Thank you!
REMINDER: BES United Way Spirit Week is next week. Monday is dress like a Rockstar day! Bring your coins and cash to your classroom—the grade level that raises the most gets to pick a song for their teachers to lip-sync to (or sing and dance to).
![UW Spirit Week](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1069378/large_Spirit_week_United_Way.jpg)
Lunch Menu Updates:
Chocolate Bread
Low-Fat Milk
10/29 LUNCH
BBQ Beef Sandwich
Shredded Lettuce/Pickles
Seasoned Wedges
Mandarin Oranges
Low-Fat Milk
Breakfast Pizza
Low-Fat Milk
10/30 LUNCH
Pretzel Nuggets
Cheese Dip
Fresh Veggies
Low-Fat Milk
United Way Spirit Week @ BES!
Monday, Nov. 2nd is now a SCHOOL IS IN SESSION Day.
Tuesday, Nov. 3 is now a NO SCHOOL Teacher Work Day.
![United Way Spirit Week](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1045229/large_Spirit_week_United_Way.jpg)
Buffalo Express!
Lots of new Transportation info. Please read!
Reminder: NO SCHOOL Today, Monday 10/19, due to Parent Teacher Conferences. If you have not scheduled a PT conference, please contact your child's teacher. Thank you!
Hello Berryton families! Parent/Teacher conferences are next week. We like to provide meals for the teachers during these long days. This time we are having two meals brought in from restaurants instead of having families contribute food items. We are planning on providing pizza on one day and soup/sandwiches on the other. We are asking for donations to help cover the cost of these meals. If you can contribute a few dollars for these meals that would be great. Please send cash or checks made to Berryton PTO with your student through backpack mail in an envelope marked BES PTO MEALS by 10/21/20.
Berryton teachers have been working so hard and we want to show that we appreciate them. Thank you for your support!
Please contact Karlee Bocquin with questions at krboc@msn.com
Bonjour's Bus #50 is running 20-25 minutes behind schedule this morning. We appreciate your patience. Thank you!
BES Families:
Our 4 day week begins on Oct. 26th. Thank you for filling out our parent survey the last few days, on our Learning Model and Transportation. If you requested that your child(ren) would need bussing, and it would be DIFFERENT then it currently is, please fill out the form below.
Firm deadline of SATURDAY, Oct. 10th @ MIDNIGHT. Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter.
**You DO NOT need to fill this form out if your bussing is staying as it currently is.**
BES Learning Confirmation Form
Good Afternoon Berryton Families,
An email was sent this morning with detailed information about changes to our district learning scenario. In short, parents now have the option for elementary students to attend:
• 4 days in-person (M, Tu, Th, F) with one day remote learning (Wed.)
• 5 days of remote learning ( M-F)
This information can also be found here: https://www.usd450.net/files/District/COVID-19_Update/Oct5_BOE_Meeting_Learning_Scenario_Update.pdf
Please complete the Berryton learning confirmation form found at the following link by midnight, Thursday, October 8th.
BES Buffalo Express 9/25
This coming Monday, Sept. 28th will be the second Picture Day at Berryton. Pictures will be ordered completely online and the informational flyer is directly below. Students in Track A who normally attend on Monday and Tuesday will be photographed. In addition we invite students that are completely remote to join us for picture day. Remote students may come to the building anytime between 12-2 and will need to ring the door bell. In following Shawnee County guidelines only students will be allowed to enter and family members will need to wait in their vehicles. We anticipate this would be a quick process and would take no more than 10-15 minutes.
![BES Pic Day Pg 1](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/998507/large_Picture_Day_Fall_Flyer_Page_1.jpg)
![BES Pic Day Pg. 2](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/998509/large_Picture_Day_Fall_Flyer_Page_2.jpg)
A NEW mask design is now available on our online Berryton Buffalos store!!! It is available on either the black or gray mask, $8 for 1 or 2 masks for $12. All proceeds from the mask sales will be used to buy needed materials for our school through the Berryton PTO. https://berrtytonbuffalomask.itemorder.com/
![Can't mask my Berryton Pride](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/997628/large_BES_Mask__Mask.jpg)
BES Buffalo Express:
Buffalo Express 9/11/2020
External phone lines are still down this morning, meaning we can’t send or receive phone calls outside the district. If you are trying to reach us, please email Tanya Howbert at howbertt@usd450.net
As soon as the phones lines are working again, we will let you know.
Thank you!
The first round of Berryton Buffalos masks are here and you can pick them up on Sunday from 5:30-6:30 in front of the school in the parent pickup lane. If your order is here you should have received an email notification from Leigh’s Tees.
If you did not receive an email that the masks you ordered were in, your masks will be arriving at the school in the next shipment on Tuesday and will be sent home with your student.
If you would still like to order masks you may do so on our school’s store (the link is in the Comments) and all the orders will be sent directly to the school once a week. Thank you for supporting your school & the Berryton Elementary PTO!
![BES Mask](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/951400/large_buff_mask_1.jpg)
![BES Mask](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/951401/large_buff_mask_2.jpg)
![BES Mask](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/951402/large_buff_mask_3.jpg)
![BES Mask](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/951403/large_buff_mask_4.jpg)
Due to our current situation, Berryton Elementary PTO will not be hosting their annual craft show. We hope to resume the tradition next year. Thank you for understanding.
Our library still has several library books out. You can return them anytime of the day to our book drop located by our front door. It is clearly marked. For our record keeping we appreciate you promptly returning them.
We sincerely thank you for your efforts to help us with this.
The Kansas Children's Discovery Center will be hosting Camp Kindergarten this year via Zoom and phone. Mrs. Baldwin from Berryton Elementary will be leading the camp on June 6th, just a few days away. See the flyer below for information and to register.
![Discovery Kindergarten](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/881546/large_Discovery_Kindergarten_Parent_Flier_2020_1_.jpg)